Wednesday 5 March 2014

Philosophy | Granny's Apple Pie Review

A bargain buy at only £3.50 from Boots (courtesy of a Christmas clearance sale), I have only just this past week been introduced to up and coming luxe body product brand, 'philosophy' and their fantastic shower gel/bubble bath/shampoo range and so far I love it.

 On offer in my local Boots store were two of philosophy's Christmas inspired homey scents, Granny's Apple Pie and Peppermint Stick, and with my personal all time favourite scent being apples and cinnamon I just had to grab the chance to use it as a shower gel!

As I have now implemented quite a vigorous skincare routine into my morning and evening rituals all I really look for in a shower gel is foamy, lovely smelling goodness rather than specific moisturizing or any particular skin related aspect, so if like me you are just looking for a sumptuous smelling shower gel then this will be right up your street.

As you can see the gel comes in very cute packaging and they give you a surprisingly generous amount for only £3.50. I am a bit of a sucker when it comes to pretty looking bath and shower products I tend to buy things because they're pretty, I mean you ought to see my Soap and Glory miniature collection, but this was a fantastic investment!

A little of this lovely gel goes a long way it gives a really rich smelling, very foamy lather which leaves your bathroom (and in my case, my entire flat) smelling like a home baked apple pie with a hint of cinnamon as well as your skin feeling soft and well treated.

If you get the chance I urge you to run down to your local Boots store (unless it's my local in which case THEY'RE MINE!) to get yourself a bargain in the form of these lavish gels while they're cheap. I would however say that if you are looking for that Soap and Glory like squeaky clean smell and feeling you're probably not going to love this product but if you just want to smell beautiful, homely and a little like Christmas this is right up your street!

Has anybody else tried the 'Philosophy' range from Boots, if so what did you try? and did you like it? Drop your comments below, come chat with me on Twitter or if you want to keep up to date with the latest Granite City posts come follow me on Bloglovin


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